Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was not as we had planned! I had intended to make Christmas Cookies with Rebecca, get last bits of wrapping done, make the Buche de Noel, deliver Christmas cards etc, but instead we sat on the sofa watching endless episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Rebecca stayed in PJs all day and finally stopped being sick at 7pm. She asked for drink after drink but was such a good girl, very brave. I think she was quite proud of herself actually.

We had to laugh when she was being sick, but between “spits” telling Mick to get out of the way because she couldn’t see Mickey Mouse on TV!

We still put the mince pie and carrot out for Santa and Rudolph, plus pink juice and a white raisin (yoghurt covered raisin) at Rebecca’s request although she was not really in the right frame of mind at all. We gave her Christmas PJs to unwrap (Minnie Mouse) but she asked me to open the gift as she had no energy. I felt so sorry for her after the long build up to Christmas.

Spent a long time getting the house ready for Santa’s imminent visit, while taking turns with Mick to lay next to Rebecca on the fold out bed. It does look lovely though… Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night x

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