Mick was at work today so Rebecca and I made two trifles (one Mick-proof without the custard or cream, and one normal one). She enjoyed placing the swirly cake around the outside and eating the final piece. She was really good, spooning the pears and apricots in really carefully.
My friend Ruth had bought Rebecca a baking set for Christmas, so we used her little mixing bowl, spoons and cutters to make cheddar cheese biscuits. They were delish, and her favourite cutter was the angel (no surprises there). She loved brushing them all with egg and sprinkling on the sesame seeds.
We popped in to see Teresa & Mike this afternoon for an hour or so for Rebecca and Ollie to play together. It was lovely to see them, and Ollie has not been well over Christmas either, which meant we hadn't met up over the holiday. Ollie was gazing up at Rebecca - it was so sweet. Rebecca, in turn, was bossing him about!
Chris came over for New Year, and we intended to order take out pizza as a treat. However, they were closed and we ended up with a mish mash of a curry for Mick, chips from the Indian for me and Chris and a pizza out of the freezer! Ah well. We played Take Two and card games til nearly 1.30am. I ate Jelly Beans until I felt sick...
A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips!!