Saturday, 19 December 2009

Christmas Preparations...

Oh dear, what happened to the last 10 months...oh well, that'll be something to add to the New Year's Resolutions :)

Christmas is coming, and Rebecca is really aware of everything going on this year. She is very excited about Father Christmas / Santa and all the Christmas lights and decorations.
Last weekend we made the Christmas Cake (the fruit had been soaking for a week already) and here is the little video of Rebecca helping me. She didn't like the noise from the mixer, so had to keep going out everytime we turned it on!

I'm really enjoying doing all the traditional things with Rebecca in the lead up to Christmas: advent calendars, decorating the tree, making gingerbread men, writing to Santa. And of course, making a wish when we stir the Christmas Cake. I don't know what Rebecca wished for, but it took a loooooong time :)

She is wearing a Brownie t-shirt in this video, as we had been to Christingle with the Brownies earlier that day, and of course she wanted to wear a uniform top (and then wouldn't take it off). Rebecca was asked to light the 2nd Advent candle which was lovely for her and she looked all proud of herself! She stood by herself to sing the hymns, holding the song words and singing along (her own little versions I'm sure). Afterwards she said "I singed with the Brownies didn't I mummy?"...


  1. Lovely to come on here and see Rebecca in action.

  2. Looks like you are having such fun preparing for Christmas! Loving the videos, you have a little star there!

  3. Gosh Rebecca is growing up so quickly and is so cute :)

    I hope she did not eat all the cherries - LOL!!!

    A gorgeous piece of film to treasure always Stacey xx

  4. Heehee such a little grown up!

    Love how when daddy says she shouldn't she turns round to you and tries again! She's learning well hehe xx
