Thursday, 31 December 2009
New Years' Eve
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
A visit from Auntie Nessa
Aunty Nessa stayed for lunch and Rebecca was excited to show her the new bedroom.
They had a lovely cuddle on the sofa. It always makes me smile when I see them together :)
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Changing Rooms
After all the furniture changes, I did the “girly stuff” putting book onto shelves, toys away, and arranging things in an aesthetic manner. It looks lovely and Rebecca was so excited when we finally showed it to her.
She said “Wow! Well done!” – this made us laugh as it is what we say when we are pleased with her. She was really good and said “Thank you for my new bedroom”. Rebecca chose the border and lampshade and we already had the Disney Princess toybox (ebay bargain). The soft pink has really warmed the room and she was so excited to go to bed…
Monday, 28 December 2009
Devilish Prunes
I read some Nigella recipes for these ages ago and as I have an excess of Prunes (since making Pickled Prunes for Jacqui for Christmas) I felt inspired to use them. I stuffed each one with a tiny piece of Goats Cheese and then wrapped them with a small strip of Parma Ham. OMG they were so yummy. I am not a huge fan of the prune but these were so good – sharp cheese, sweet fruit, salty ham – yum.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Chris was round for the day again and helped Mick move some furniture so he could finish painting Rebecca’s new bedroom and put the border up.
Amy and Adam joined us in the evening with the Xbox and Guitar Hero and Lips, so we did a bit of singing and guitar playing. Rebecca was scarily good with the guitar! I had a go (Guns and Roses - Welcome to the Jungle) but I felt a bit old (!) as I didn’t know many of the tracks listed… photo’s of that event will NOT be posted ;)
Saturday, 26 December 2009
I finally made the Buche de Noel – it was yummy, but as usual I’d spent time “testing” the icing, and “disposing of” the off-cuts, so didn’t really fancy a slice when it came to the official eating time…
Amy, Adam and Chris stayed for the rest of the day and we had our famous “moist-maker” Friends sandwiches and played Trivial Pursuit until Amy was too sleepy.
Boxing Day
Chris came round mid-morning, followed by Jamie and Carly, Amy and Adam, and Jake. Rebecca wore her Christmas outfit and enjoyed opening more presents (a Minnie Mouse from Carly and some Minnie socks from Jamie).
I made a casserole, a curry and did a pot of roast potatoes and a pot of rice for lunch. Everyone helped themselves and it was really relaxed. Rebecca enjoyed chatting to Jake at the table.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Micks’ Mum and Dad came for lunch and Rebecca laid on the sofa (by now in PJs) while we ate. She said she was hungry, but couldn’t really face anything, even a spoon of icecream. By 5pm she was full of energy, ripping open the presents and playing with Uncle Hobbes. She had also insisted on dressing up in a Christmas Dress (an old 18-24 months dress!) over her pyjamas.
Christmas Day
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Christmas Eve
We had to laugh when she was being sick, but between “spits” telling Mick to get out of the way because she couldn’t see Mickey Mouse on TV!
We still put the mince pie and carrot out for Santa and Rudolph, plus pink juice and a white raisin (yoghurt covered raisin) at Rebecca’s request although she was not really in the right frame of mind at all. We gave her Christmas PJs to unwrap (Minnie Mouse) but she asked me to open the gift as she had no energy. I felt so sorry for her after the long build up to Christmas.
Spent a long time getting the house ready for Santa’s imminent visit, while taking turns with Mick to lay next to Rebecca on the fold out bed. It does look lovely though… Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night x
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Ready for the holiday
Did the Tesco shop straight after and got all of the food for Christmas. Had to phone Mick to meet me there as it wouldn’t all fit in the car! Then we collected Rebecca from nursery together which was nice as it was the last one before Christmas and they'd had Christmas dinner.
At bedtime Rebecca was really sick, so we spent the night ferrying bowls and towels from bedroom to bathroom and taking turns to sleep on her bedroom floor. Fun!
Monday, 21 December 2009
Icicle, Icicle, Where are you going?
Anyway, I love icicles and am really pleased with these photos (although I appreciate that I am no photographer!!!). Only problem is that I now have “Icicle” song by Tori Amos in my head and it won’t go away.
Icicle icicle, Where are you going?, I have a hiding place, When spring marches in, Will you keep watch for me, I hear them calling, Gonna lay down, Gonna lay down...
Braved driving today. Car battery was flat and after I’d scraped all the snow off I had to come indoors for a hot water, so we started out a little later than planned. Took my Mother-in-Law to Capture the Magic craft shop in Soham. It was a long drive and a bit slippy on the little roads, but a good trip. We had a lovely long chat about her days in the RAF packing parachutes – I didn’t realise what a complex and responsible job it was.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Mastered the Cuttlebug
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Christmas Preparations...
Oh dear, what happened to the last 10 months...oh well, that'll be something to add to the New Year's Resolutions :)
Christmas is coming, and Rebecca is really aware of everything going on this year. She is very excited about Father Christmas / Santa and all the Christmas lights and decorations.
Last weekend we made the Christmas Cake (the fruit had been soaking for a week already) and here is the little video of Rebecca helping me. She didn't like the noise from the mixer, so had to keep going out everytime we turned it on!
I'm really enjoying doing all the traditional things with Rebecca in the lead up to Christmas: advent calendars, decorating the tree, making gingerbread men, writing to Santa. And of course, making a wish when we stir the Christmas Cake. I don't know what Rebecca wished for, but it took a loooooong time :)
She is wearing a Brownie t-shirt in this video, as we had been to Christingle with the Brownies earlier that day, and of course she wanted to wear a uniform top (and then wouldn't take it off). Rebecca was asked to light the 2nd Advent candle which was lovely for her and she looked all proud of herself! She stood by herself to sing the hymns, holding the song words and singing along (her own little versions I'm sure). Afterwards she said "I singed with the Brownies didn't I mummy?"...
Friday, 18 December 2009
Snow Day