Friday, 9 April 2010

Going Hoopy

I think there must be something wrong with me. Today I took a photo of the inside of a can of Heinz Spaghetti Hoops. I got very excited about the can. And the photo. I don't think this is normal...

The spaghetti was exactly and perfectly laid all around the inside ring of the tin. Amazing (or so I thought). It almost makes me want to write to them and ask if they are always like that and I'd just never noticed before. I would like to stress the word almost.

Monday, 5 April 2010

The family that eats together...

stays together...

Irene (my magpie buddy) recently quoted this and I love it.

Cooked a roast dinner today for everyone and really enjoyed having all of the "children" around the same table, as is near-on impossible now. Chris came a bit later (in time for crumble, but I had saved him dinner). Rebecca was desperate to sit next to her sisters!

Carly suggested I should go on Come Dine with Me and I secretly took this as a compliment, although there is NO WAY I could do that!

W for Webecca

Rebecca still pronounces her R's like W's and I wonder how long it will go on?

Today I was very excited as she showed me that she could write a R for Rebecca on her aquadraw mat. Such a tiny, but significant achievement.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

All Grown Up

We had lots of visitors today, all bearing Easter gifts...Rebecca loves it when her big brothers and sisters come to see her (and Uncle Hobbes too).

I tried to take some photos of everyone and just couldn't believe that my little Jake, who used to bake cookies with me, run into our bed during thunder storms and cuddle up on the sofa, is now this gorgeous man. All grown up, sure of who he is and off to see the world...I find it baffling how the time has gone in the blink of an eye ... oh dear, I feel old :(

Easter Nests

Easter today, so Rebecca and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. We made our first ever Simnel Cake (from a Mary Berry recipe) and it was lovely. We also made Shredded Wheat, chocolate nests with Mini Mini Eggs inside. Rebecca's favourite part is licking the spoon and a big mess of it she made too.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Holding the baby

Rebecca was disappointed she didn't get to hold the baby when we first met Daniel, so today she had a supervised cuddle ! Such a lovely picture, but I have to say all I can look at is her eyes.....

Arrival of the Easter Bunny

We had our egg hunt today as Mick is working Sunday. Rebecca was quite excitedly going round the garden finding mini gold bunnies, and here she is looking pleased with her collection. She actually smiled properly for the camera!